Pat Lank

I am a postdoctoral researcher for Department of Mathematics at Università degli Studi di Milano under the supervision of Amnon Neeman.

During April 2024, I was a research associate at the Simons-Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute. Prior to this, I was a PhD student at the University of South Carolina under the supervision of Matthew Ballard, as well as an M.Sc. student at the University of New Mexico under the supervision of Alexandru Buium.

Much of my work focuses on the application of derived categories to problems in both commutative and noncommutative flavors of algebraic geometry.

A copy of my CV may be found here.

Currently, I organize an online seminar for derived categories and (non)commutative algebraic geometry, and will be organizing the algebraic geometry seminar in Milano this spring. Please reach out if you are interested to speak in either of the two.

Google Scholar

See here for random photos for one of my favorite spots (can ya guess where?)
